Long-term surveillance of large areas of strategic interest.

The Tactical Aerostat (TAS) and Relocatable Tower (RAID) platform includes aerostats (lighter-than-air tethered platforms), towers, cameras, and radars to provide surveillance over a wide area. The platform's tactical aerostats are of three systems (persistent threat detection system; persistent ground surveillance system; and rapid initial aerostat deployment [RAID] system).

The small aerostats "operate at altitudes between 500 and 5,000 meters and monitor ground activity using radar, infrared and electro-optical cameras".

Airborne sensors

Airborne sensor systems offer the ability to detect and track high-value targets in real time and integrate multiple sources, including signal intelligence, full-motion video, hyper-spectral imagery and indicators to provide real-time information about what is happening on the ground:
  • enable real-time monitoring
  • provide a complete picture of events in real time
  • Automate monitoring and perform advanced analysis for continuous situational awareness in tactical environments
  • Hinting and tracking of other sensor systems (including signal intelligence, full motion video and hyper-spectral detection)
  • Provide event context through integrated sensors for detection and tracking of high-value targets

Advanced tracking analysis

The broad coverage and persistence of motion analysis allows for the ability to see events occurring simultaneously and establish interconnected patterns of life, including social interactions, destinations, and origins of travel. Integrating historical information during a surveillance mission provides historical life information that can be used to anticipate future behavior and plan appropriate responses.